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Purple Curtain



EDELWEISS. is a performative documentary about the often harrowing realities of People of Color living in Austria. The movie is a frank depiction of the perspectives of many People of Color who have varying connections to Austria; some who call it home, some who have made it their home, and others who would never call it home. Edelweiss is a critical love letter to a country that needs to become a better place for those who have been making it a better place for years.


The film EDELWEISS. is a product of the Through Our Eyes project in collaboration with the Triangle Studio. The film EDELWEISS. is funded by kültüÅ™ gemma!.

(C) Rezzarte, (C) Hannah Strobl



Artistic Intervention at the Austrian Federal Ministry of Arts, Culture, Public Service and Sports Event : FORUM KULTUR. 


Performance Title: 'Diversity Cakewalk'






Ulrike Wieser / BMKÖS



I HEAR YOU: A Conversation About Racism 

I HEAR YOU: A Conversation about Racism with Anna Gaberscik and Lena Rose 


Artistic introduction to Uncomfortably Comfortable, directed by Maria Petschnig at the Kaleidoskop Film Festival, Vienna.


A conversational performance about the difficulty of holding ourselves and eachother accountable, admitting that we are racist and acknowledging the work that still needs to be done. 

We talked about the ways in which conversations about racism in Austria are framed (by institutions and publications), with a pretty bow on top, a far cry from reality. As the minutes went on we became drenched in water. And in the end we could avoid getting wet even more , just be standing under the umbrella together  in a symbolic stance of visibility and invisibility, speaking and listening. 


(C) Anahita Asadifar 

Workshop Series 

Who Am I / Wer Bin Ich ?


Empowerment and dance workshops for young FLINTA*. {Altersgruppe: 10-20 JAHRE ALT}


Fri 20.5.2022 / Fri 3.6.2022 / Fri 17.6.2022

16-18 Uhr 


In cooperation with the Kiki House of Dive, the girls center *peppa and Back on Stage, the Brunnenpassage is offering three empowerment and dance workshops. Through the lens of Voguing and each host’s unique perspectives and expertise, the group will experiment with self-expression, presence and different characters. The political-emancipatory aspects of vouging inform and inspire these empowerment and dance workshops to guide us in answering the question “Who Am I?”

The workshops are designed for teens and young adults and are for FLINTA*. 


Workshop leaders: Kristin Jackson Lerch, Josefin-Marie-Christin Sternbauer, Soraya Dyndocky
Coordination & Host: Anna Gaberscik


In cooperation with the Kiki House of Dive, the girls center *peppa and Back on Stage.

In the framework of the Erasmus+ project Subtopia.



(C) Josefin-Marie-Christin Sternbauer

Practicing Awareness and Responsibilty: Cultural Appropriation in the Dance World and Beyond

In this workshop we explored some of the many forms of cultural appropriation, and addressed how artists and art-lovers can embark on a path of more responsible and respectful enjoyment of different cultures.


Cultural appropriation is the act of cherry-picking elements from non-dominant cultures for profit or gain. The cultural significance of what has been adopted/stolen is disrespected and trivialized through this practice. Cultural appropriation hints towards a form of cultural colonialism, where dominant groups; the most harmful perpetrators being white people, exert power in taking cultural significance away from non-dominant groups by appropriating their cultural traditions. 


In this workshop and talked and engaged in an honest and open discussion about the topic, and we navigated how we can all work more towards awareness and responsibility.


- Anna Gaberscik 



Practicing Anti-Racism and Awareness in Design @ designforum Wien 

What steps can we take to meaningfully involve BIPoC (Black Indigenous People of Color) in design?


How can we be actively anti-racist in the field of design? Why is this important?


Quality design takes into consideration multiple perspectives, preferences and needs, such as those of BIPoC (Black Indigenous People of Color).


In this workshop we explored the different ways in which anti-racism and awareness can be practiced in design. It is vital to implement strategies of practicing sensitivity and awareness, especially in predominantly white spaces that intend to diversify their workforce and their clients. We will discuss the difficult to navigate topics such as the often harmful and problematic depictions of BIPoC in advertising, the importance of de-centering whiteness and the difficulties BIPoC face when they are the first to enter a space in its ‚diversification‘ phase.


We enagaged in an honest and open discussion about the topic, and examine strategies about how we can all work more towards awareness and responsibility.



Performance / Writing


mit Texten von Anna Gaberscik, Valerie Melichar & Thomas Perle
Künstlerische Leitung: Constanze Stahr & Paul Spittler

Schauspiel: Ines Miro, Anna Starzinger, Anillo Sürün
Sounddesign: Philipp Pettauer
Assistenz: Linda Schwärzler


Der Wiener Gürtel hat viele Gesichter. Er ist die ‘Ringstraße des Proletariats’, urbaner Grenzverlauf, pulsierende Partymeile, ehemaliger Rotlichtboulevard, karge Transitzone, schleißiger Grünstreifen, Verlauf der illustren U6 und betonierte Stadtentwicklungsträume der 90er Jahre. Der Gürtel ist auf vielen Ebenen zugleich verbindendes und trennendes Element in Wien.



Das performative Konzert Mamageddon ist der queer-feministische Aufmarsch in die Maschinenräume der Gewalt, mit dem Ziel der Zerlegung unterschiedlicher Systeme der Unterdrückung. Gemeinsam mit ihrem Royal Squad Against Toxic Masculinity eröffnet KDM Königin der Macht aktivistische Handlungsspielräume durch Rap, Beats und Performance. Warum das Bi*** Wort ihr und FLINTA-Personen und nicht ihren cis männlichen Rap-Kollegen gehören, Kunst und Kulturlandschaften Schauplätze der Gewalt sind und Unterdrückung reproduzieren, wird im performativen Rap-Konzert Mamageddon klar. Sie stellt die Frage der Macht, nimmt sie sich und verbreitet lyrisches Unbehagen in der Verkörperung eines alternativen Souveräns. Konsumiert die Königin und werdet Teil des Widerstands gegen das Patriarchat.


Concept & Idea
KDM Königin der Macht


Regie & Choreographie
Myassa Kraitt


Produktionsleitung & Regieassistenz
Dilan Sengül


Graphic & Set Design
Rawan Almukthar


Picture 1 (C) Rainer Berson






The Brunnenpassage and the World Museum Vienna organized an extraordinary journey through time, together with George Ferrandi in NYC and a team of artists in Vienna.


This iteration of JUMP!STAR was originally planned to culminate in Simmering/Vienna, but due to social isolation, moved online and took on a worldwide dimension. For one month during the earliest days of the pandemic from from April 13 - May 3, 2020 between 11:00am and 12:20pm New York time,  our zoom room was the place to process what was happening, sing, dance together, weave a section of rope, listen out loud and dream wildly.


JUMP!STAR Team: Karin Cheng, Teresa Distelberger, Zuzana Ernst, George Ferrandi, Bianca Figl, Anna Gabersci, Melika Ramic, Futurelove Sibanda, Mario Aka Touched

Essay Series 

Degrees of Separation is a Jump!Star article series by Anna Gaberscik that examines the social and political implications of social distancing throughout history.


Anna Gaberscik wrote the four-part article series Degrees of Separation over the course of 21 Days. The series explores the social and political impact of social distancing throughout history. At the end of each article, readers were invited to respond to specific questions.


The essay series was on display in the Jump!Star Simmering exhibition in the Weltmuseum from 21. Dezember 2020 bis 6. Juli 2021.








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Storytelling and Empowerment Workshop for BIPoC

Storytelling and Empowerment Workshop Series in Cooperation with Jump!Star Simmering and the World Museum Vienna.

(C) Ivie Isibor

More coming soon...​



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