About Me
Anna Gaberscik (USA/AT), born in Brooklyn, New York City, is an anti-racism trainer and activist, performer, writer and director. Her writing, as well as her other work, focuses on anti-racism and challenging patriarchal, heteronormative, and white narratives and discourses.
Anna is the founder of Through Our Eyes, an interdisciplinary project that explores anti-racism, intersectionality, and empowerment in various creative forms. Developing and curating performances, films, and even awareness trainings with an anti-racist focus, the project "Through Our Eyes" addresses difficult issues through a critical yet creative lens.
In her work and workshops, Anna emphasizes the revolutionary potential of preserving and amplifying BIPoC voices, especially when it comes to socio-political issues. Her social justice agenda is influenced and inspired by various BIPoC cultural phenomena, drawing much inspiration from African-American culture.
Anna has collaborated with renowned institutions such as :
Weltmuseum Wien, Frauen*solidarität, University of Vienna
International Dance Festival Impulstanz, designaustria, New Design University St. Pölten, mdw – Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien
frishgetanzt, drehübung wien, Kommunity Wörgl,, and more...
(C) Josefin-Marie Christin Sternbauer

The 'Through Our Eyes' project, founded by Anna Gaberscik, is an interdisciplinary project that explores anti-racism, intersectionality and empowerment in various creative forms.
From BIPoC storytelling to anti-racism awareness workshops and performance formats, the 'Through Our Eyes' project addresses difficult issues from a critical yet creative perspective. In her work and workshops, Anna emphasizes the revolutionary potential of preserving and amplifying BIPoC voices, especially when it comes to social justice and sociopolitical issues. Her social justice agenda is influenced and inspired by various BIPoC cultural phenomena, drawing much inspiration from African-American diaspora culture. The Through Our Eyes project strives to challenge white, patriarchal, heteronormative narratives and discourses in every way possible.